2002-05 Girls Travel Team
Nova FC strives to provide an affordable experience for all players.
Fall/spring 2020-21 Travel Team
Technical skills training
Physical training and pre-season (High school Prep) conditioning: speed, agility, and coordination
Cognitive and brain-based training: Multitasking, processing speed, situational awareness, smart decision-making and more
Position-based training: Defenders, Midfielders, Strikers
Starting dates per season and cost
Fall 2020 (September 7 - December 7) 3x week - $150/MONTH ($12.50 EACH SESSION)
Winter 2021 (January 4 - March 4) 2-3x week - $99 a month
Spring 2021 (March 15- May 15) 3x week - $150/MONTH ($12.50 EACH SESSION)
Travel Player Fees Include the following items
· Fall & Spring – 3 Training Sessions per Week/75 Minutes
. 3 tournaments a year
· Winter – 2 Training Sessions Per Week/90 minutes
· Winter Programs – Winter Futsal
· Winter Program Functional Movement with speed and strength conditioning
· Player training gear ( shirts, shorts, socks)
· Team Training Gear (pinnies, cones, balls etc.)
· TeamSnap Account
All fall and spring training will be held in the Leesburg area.
Winter training will be held in the Ashburn arear.